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Keto Bread-English Muffin
This is a super easy 90 second microwave keto “bread”. Paired with a sugar free jam, avo, back bacon and eggs and you have the perfect Sunday morning breaky! I have also used this for a garlic bread with a low carb spaghetti.
Since eating healthy, starting keto and taking better care of myself overall, I find I still come up with creative ways to enjoy the foods I have always loved. Spaghetti, a good healthy breakfast on Sunday morning and of course, good old hamburger! You can still eat well and lose weight. It is a matter of choosing the right foods and sticking to the plan!
Keto Bread-English Muffin
1 tbsp Almond Flour
1 Tbsp coconut flour
One large egg
1 Tbsp almond milk
1 Tbsp olive oil
1.4 tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
Pinch of dried parsley
1-2 tbsp shredded cheese
Optional- you can add garlic powder if you choose.
In a small bowl whisk egg, and combine all other ingredients. Pour batter into a small microwave safe ramekin (I usually spray mine). Microwave for 90 seconds. Cut and toast.
Pottery plate by @tlcpottery
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